Thursday, February 16, 2012

Day 11 & 12 2 Business Trips

Made it through day 11 this past Saturday with food poisoning. Thought I was good to go but about an hour 10 in was in rough shape. I did make it through. On Sunday morning I left for a business trip to the central coast. To my dismay there was not a Bikram studio in San Simeon or Cambria. Before I knew it I was 3 days in the hole. I did however take advantage of my time up there and visited the Hearst Castle, a winery, and walked the beautiful beaches with my dog Daisy and Dave my roommate. I got home late Tuesday nite and knew since my coworker had been shipped to Charlotte I was going to have to head south to San Diego for the next few days. I decided I better find a studio and fortunately found one in Encinitas. I went to a 630pm class. So glad to be back on track and giving myself the time my body deserves! To my dismay my boss called and I am being shipped to Charlotte, NC for 10 nights. I decided I would not let this business trip get in the way of my goal and completing the challenge. I will find a hotel near a Bikram studio. Easier said then done. Almost every hotel was sold out due to some basketball conference. I finally found a Sheraton that is within 2 miles of the studio! Mission accomplished! I will be able to practice while I'm there. Pose of the Day: Utkatasana or awkward pose Benefits are: Improves overall body strength, Opens pelvis, Strengthens and tones leg muscles, Relieves menstrual cramping, Reduces fat pocket under buttocks, Aligns skeletal system, Good for arthritis conditions, Good for digestion, Relieves joint pain, Relieves sciatica, Improves flexibility in toes and ankles, Exercises liver, intestines, and pancreas.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Day 10

10 days ladies and gents! I just want to say thank you to each and everyone who has been supportive of my journey. I was not feeling well today. I took my friend Ana to sushi and we both got sick. We have probably eaten there a 100 times. I just thought I wasn't feeling good but told myself you can go to the 430 and you'll be fine. Ana's arm got casted a couple days ago so I told her I would wash and blow out her hair since she can't do it herself. It's crazy how much we rely on our hands. Ana was looking forward to beginning a new fitness regimen and told me when she gets the cast off she would love to try Bikram. She prefers working out in the heat! I am so excited that she has an interest in it. Tonight was rough but I really tried to stay as focused as possible. I almost passed out a few times but worked through it. I knew I didn't feel well but at this point didn't know it was food poisoning. I checked to see how Ana was after class and then she told me she had been getting sick as well. That's when we realized it. I was determined and persevered. We all have challenges everyday but tonight Bikram did make me feel better. Pose of the Day: Utkatasana aka awkward pose Benefits Improves overall body strength Opens pelvis Strengthens and tones leg muscles Relieves menstrual cramping Reduces fat pocket under buttocks Aligns skeletal system Good for arthritis conditions Good for digestion Relieves joint pain Relieves sciatica Improves flexibility in toes and ankles Exercises liver, intestines, and pancreas

Day 9

Early riser has been great for me this week. I left the studio excited about my day since I knew I had to go down to Palos Verdes for work....The weather was fantastic. I met some old friends for lunch and we ate outside at a new Thai restaurant and I just enjoyed the view.....Only problem would be getting back to the dena in a reasonable amount of time. Not only has my body been feeling the benefits from Bikram but I am in such a good mental frame of mind. No road rage! Pose of the day: Ardha Chandrasana with Pada Hastasana aka half moon pose with heads to feet pose. Benefits Works into the whole skeletal and circulatory systems Opens shoulder joints Good for frozen shoulder Reduces or eliminates pain in the lower back Good for abdominal obesity Improves and strengthens every muscle in the central part of the body Increase the flexibility of the spine Tones the spinal nerves and abdominal organs inproving the working of the bowels Increases flexibility and strength of rectus abdominis, gluteus maximus, oblique, deltoid and trapezius muscles Helps with sciatic problems Alleviates anxiety and reduces mental stress Stimulates pituitary gland Exercises colon, pancreas, kidneys, muscular, skeletal, respiratory and glandular systems Firms and trims waistline, hips, abdomen, buttocks and thighs

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Ocho Dia!

Once again, I made it to the 630am....believe it or not! Y Thuan is motivating! I have really been enjoying walking to and from the studio everyday. Great mental preparation and I can unwind before I start my day. So as promised daily posture focus...Pranayama...aka standing deep breathing. there are several benefits: Good for lungs and respiratory system Helps with mental relaxation Helps high blood pressure Relieves irritability Good for detoxification Exercises nervous, respiratory and circulatory systems The breathing can be tricky and is something I am trying to master I really want to enjoy the benefits! The one thing I will tell you is today I had massive traffic and if it wasn't for Bikram I would have probably been a road rage queen.....So getting up and giving myself the time I deserve....huge win through the whole day...Winner winner chicken dinner! I went to the movies tonite and saw In really makes you think! I also have been trying to continue my new years resolution by cooking at least one new thing per week! I made an awesome chicken sausage pasta with red onion, yellow peppers, spinach, asparagus, red peppers with lots of garlic! So yummy and so colorful! I'm trying to get all my veggies in everyday and laying off the alcohol! Friends have been noticing my checkins on foursquare and I have 2 more wanting to come to give Bikram a try....This made my day! See you guys in class maƱana!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Day 7

Day 7 and still going strong...I have to say this mornings 630am  class with Jennie put me in a fantastic mood!! Plus I wasn't stressed out about making it to a class all day!  So I'm gonna do my best to get there when I can.  Since I'm a newbie  I decided that I need to really focus on one pose every day.  I really want to learn this new craft and plan on having a pose of the day here on my blog.  This will help me focus more on me then having to think oh yeah its this one.  I had a successful morning almost no dizziness.  I made it through all the standing poses without having to take a seat.  One victory at a time!  Eye of the tiger baby!  Attitude is everything.....sweat your ass off....endorphins guaranteed to follow.  U can do it!!!

Monday, February 6, 2012

Day 6

I tried going to bed early last night.  I wanted to go to the early am class.  11pm, 12am, 1am, 2am, 3am!!!  The game going over and over again in my head!  I decided I would go to the South bay for work and then come to the 430pm.  I love Val's classes anyhow.  I was so tired and fatigued today.  I felt beat down.  The superbowl loss had set in but I know I need to push on and give my body the time it deserves.  My 2pm conference call and my boss was nowhere to be found!!! Then I get a call at 3:15pm Kara we are gonna do the call at 4...oh no you didn't....I am not missing my 4:30pm yoga class.  I did the call til 4:18pm and he was basically done hung up and got my spot.  I cannot let today pass me by.  Mission is get to get through this class period  you can sleep later turn that frown upside down.....Mission accomplished!  I was starting to be able to lock my left knee today.  Val was very supportive.  I am learning new things and pushing myself every single day.  I gotta believe and I do!  Off to burbank airport I head to pick up Carly and I just want to thank her for being supportive of me every single day.  So Thanks love you!!!

Day 5

Made sure I signed up online for the 10am class and got there early since its Super Bowl Sunday.  My Team the Patriots played.  My heart was broken in 2 tonite when we came up short.  I am so proud of my team to have gotten there it is so hard to do.  We just weren't the best team this year.  Hats off to NY.  I wanted my team to win for Myra Kraft the owners wife who lost her battle to cancer right before the season began.  Myra was an amazing women and she dedicated her life to philantrophy.  Honoring her legacy this season was done on every single down.  The players wore the MHK patches on their uniforms and you would get the chills when they would score and hit the patch on their chests.  Anytime one of my teams have been in the playoffs I am crazy nervous have anxiety but not this time.  Bikram saved me from that.  When we lost in '07 I was on crutches and about to get my acl/mcl surgery.  I did not get out of bed until 5pm the next day.  My attitude is so different this time around.  I know I will make to class and work on Monday no matter what.  Bikram puts a smile on my face and everyday I am getting healthier.